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Nov 2017

In my opinion a graphic based parametric system is the easiest to learn and makes more "real world " models than a blender type mesh driven push me pull you system. therefore i agree with previous commentor the ONshape is an excellent online cloud based programming tool. there are others too that work on the sketch up style of pulling faces and profiles such as design spark, all free for hobbiest use. i myself teach introductory basics in many of the popular design software packages as part of the full 3d printing service over webinar as a relaxed introduction into the world of 3d design. I must congratulate you on your foresight julie, as a lot of people just buy the printer and then struggle with what to put on it. once the design has been mastered the impitus to print will become second nature and your journey into the printing world will open up oppertunities you never thought possible. I wish you every sucess, and if you do pick one of the licenced products as a design tool may i suggest a subsciption to lynda.com 1 will give you basic lessons in all software on demand and in the comfort of your own home anywhere in the world. StevetheBuddistXXX

1 year later

3D printing software :









9)3D slash

6 months later

I totally agree with @dewhisna it is right. The best software always depends how you are using your printing software, also currently if you see SolidWorks and Fusion 360 are the one which you will hear more and they are also considered reliable to use.