Greetings! I’ve ordered my first 3D printer which should be arriving any day now (a simple monoprice printer). I decided to get a head start on my first project and try 3D printing up a logo for a friend. The software download was for Cura 15.04.02 which didn’t have any way to create a mesh in it for a truly 3D object. (It could read such a file but I could only import grayscale images which it’d interpret as 3D–this denies me the ability to have anything by a flat back surface.) So I was wondering what software some of you pros would use to make a true 3D image for a printer to print? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Sign-- Wacky
We are a 3D printing service bureau and use SpaceClaim to create our 3D models and subsequent STL files for printing. SpaceClaim is a very easy to use software that allows you to create designs, modify designs created in any other 3D software, import scan data, etc. It has an add on module for STL file creation as well. It’s one of the least expensive software’s out there with the most capability. It will be a great asset in the future if you want to create 3D models or modify others. You really should check it out before purchasing anything else. As a service bureau, we know about all the software’s out there and use the best that is time efficient. We are a reseller for SpaceClaim as well so we would be happy to help you with a trial version if you want. Hit me up if you’re interested. You can check out SpaceClaim here: 22. Good luck!
Hi Wacky, VECTARY 1 was created for 3D modeling beginners like you who’d like to start 3D printing their creations. It’s online free and easy to use. But I agree with cobnut, you should try more software and find out what suits you the best.