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18 / 25
Jun 2015

Cool idea! And timely for me at least! Will likely download that very soon!


Wow! Grazie per avere condiviso la storia con noi

Spero a presto!!


Great work. Just a question; how did you rendered that exploded view?

9 days later

I understand that we can not print the model and sell, are we right?

Perfect, is because i want to give a talk about arduino in a high school, and i really want to buy the model, and then print it in order to sell it to the persons. Also recommend your models on the talk, so i can download and print as i want, but i cannot sent the .stl to others, in order to do that i should give the webpage and then they need to buy their own one. It is that correct?.


Perfect, is because here we dont have a lot of 3dPrinters just one actually, but it would be great if we can give to creativestudio a percentage for the 3D printed sales like 20% , because i think that is correct. And we are doing this to collect funds for a 3D prothesis =D

Best Regards.

22 days later
4 months later
2 years later
1 month later

This is just perfect. Any chance you’ll have time to create one compatible with Arduino Mega 2560?