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Mar 2017

It’s been more than 3 weeks so far and not one new customer order. I’ve only gotten two orders from repeat customers in that time.

@Filemon I’m currently ranked the highest in my area, and reached “professional” status a while back. Any ideas?

I can´t believe it ! I got two orders ! One returning customer and one that made an inquiry long time ago and put an order now. So, in a way, returning customers. It´s true what others say. “All of it.”

Hi @eckerj, I’ve checked all your stats and everything looks good.

Most likely, orders in your area are slower these 2 weeks. We’re looking into a solution to add an indicator of the amount of orders in your area to your dashboard. that way you can assess these kind of questions yourself.

Something that’s good to mention on a more general note is that the spread (variation) of orders in an areas can be very high. That also explains the ‘spurts’ talked about in this thread.

Hope that explains a bit, best,


Hey George, thank you for the video. I went a different way, function, strength, low cost, and still got SLA, retested on 3/30/17.

In building a statistical graph one bad review does hurt greatly, it then takes on average 10+ excellent reviews to recover from the one. That is the Achilles heal and most systems do not have some compensation factor built in.