I have a close to 100 empty spools, does anybody wants them?. I feel bad just tossing them away in the recycling bin.
Hi @carlosap have you tried contacting your regular filament supplier? They may well be interested in taking them off your hands, heck, they may even pay you for that many… If your regular guys don’t want them, try reaching out to other suppliers.
Another option, is I had a friend that works in a day care with 3 year olds and she wanted as many empty spools as I could give her, she said they would love rolling the spools around. Would occupy them for a few hours, and stimulates creative play. She would have taken 20-30 if I had that many.
Donating to day cares seems more useful than throwing them in the recycling bin. 
I did and they just said that I can throw them away…haha…I will try reaching other suppliers. thanks
@carlosap what about eBay? I’ve no idea if any of them actually sell, but here in the UK I’m seeing quite a few listings for empty reels and at quite surprising prices.
No need to toss them, you can repurpose them into something like this
@ejalal that’s quite a neat idea, but I’m not sure the original poster needs over 100 of these drawers 
Hi My don has just started assembling a printer kit and has been given several different coloured filaments none of which are on spools. Do you still have empty spools?
Hi @User_4787 where are you? I’ve got about 20 empty spools but obviously that’s only useful if we’re even in the same country…
I live in Birkenhead on the Wirral just across the Mersey from Liverpool. Where are you?
I’m down in Dorset, so too far to collect/drop off. How badly does he need them? They’re probably not worth shipping (bulky).
Thank you but I wouldn’t expect you to go to go to that much trouble. I’m sure he’ll manage without them.