Does anyone know if, and where you can buy the aluminum that is used on the aluminum framed 3d printers? I want to build another printer, but I can not find this aluminum stock, partly because I do not know what exactly it is called.
Do you mean T-slot extrusion?
There are many sources for it, but I have two go-to vendors. Misumi has high-quality extrusion in a variety of measurements and finishes for extremely reasonable prices: a meter of 20mmx20mm extrusion costs just $5.70. Openbuilds is the only place I’m aware of that sells V-slot extrusion, which is a unique variant of extrusion that can double as a linear rail with the proper wheels.
The only other aluminum stock that I imagine you could be talking about is simply the aluminum sheet stock used on lasercut printers, which you should just purchase from any metal stock vendor.
Hope this helped!
3 builds hotends and sells many 3d printer parts, amongst those are aluminium profiles (search term would be “aluminium extrusion”, “aluminium profile”), belts, pulleys, electronic boards, motors, …
For much more different profiles Bosch Rexroth is one way to go, however it might be better to look for the best aluminium profile and buy that on ebay to lower the cost.
Check out IGUS for linear rails and bushings, IGUS produces bushings out of frictionless plastics, which makes for less noisy movements, rail systems other then round rods have even more advantages but might cost too much.
I do also like they sell stepper motors in all sizes and power levels, you can also get couplings and powersupplies there.
I hope this helps 
“T slot extrusion” is what I was looking for. Thanks