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Feb 2016

I actually thought about doing this myself but then decided against it, as you would probably need to ether get one huge custom made heat pad (silicone/ PCB) or make some sort of temperature circuitry to keep all 4 heaters at a even temperature. its far simpler to cut your 3d files into smaller sections and glue/bond them together.

Yes I can vouch for the fact that printing abs makes a heated bed necessary. I’ve printed in pla many times before and am actually leading an effort to do some experimentation with pla and ambient room temperature, it appears the cooler the room is, the more the pla sticks

The cooler… Interesting. Is that with a heated bed for the PLA? (Sorry to hijacked)

Actually it’s just with painters tape. I’ve been trying with the bed at different temperatures, having it at 40-55*C makes such a strong bond though that often times I can’t even remove the print from the bed without having to redo the tape. To such an extreme that the one time I literally picked up the entire printer via the print and had to have someone else force it back down to remove it. Still trying to find the balance between it all

Here too. Except when the PLA print is so big (I.e. On my 400x400mm bed before I had heat enabled, the PLA pulled up the 3m blue tape from the glass bed and warped.). Heat and hair spray. And then a razor blade. Same print went great.

A lot of this could be your nozzle offset for the first layer as well. Try printing a calibration cube (here’s one: 40mm Cube Test Object by bre - Thingiverse 3) and making sure it’s actually the height it’s supposed to be. If it’s a little off, either lower your bed a bit, or correct for it in your slicer’s gcode offsets and give that a shot!

And if you want a way lower maintenance coating than painter’s tape, try purple Elmer’s glue stick! It works more consistently, is friendly with a better range of temperatures, is simple to recoat, and washes right off! Just make sure you apply it to the whole bed and you’re set :slight_smile:

If your printing Pla on a heated glass bed… My advice is take off the blue tape, clean the hot glass with cider vinegar and print on the clean glass (works every time with no mess) if your bed is heated aluminum I suggest printing on heated kapton tape washed with rubbing alcohol. I’ve never had to use glue or any other messy techniques

Only use use the blue tape on non heated beds as the adhesive will soften and release from your bed at printing temps.
