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Aug 2015

So far, Honeycomb (full) aint my thing concerning in ABS warping. Attached, the second piece I have to print. Started warping crazy after a few layers only. 15% infill. still 110° bed all time. Switched to linear infill, will be able to compare bot patterns (I DO suspect patterns to have a bigger impact than one can think, I just need to confirm/infirm my theroy :slight_smile:

2015_0809_231914_001.JPG 19

2015_0809_231928_002.JPG 16

Update: Attached, ongoing print with linear infill. Same settings, no warping. Theory confirmed. At least for Simplify3D honecomb patterns.2015_0809_232529_001.JPG 24

I’d also like to have a go on my FF Creator Pro. Unfortunately the scaling doesn’t come out right on the STL. Measurements?

Indeed, I’m impressed. Which slicer? I’m asking because besides the 105° instead of 110 (that must already be one important improvement it I refer to all remarks), there are no different settings than mines. Also you succeded keeping .1mm layers, hurrah! But I pretty sure that if I try 75% honeycomb is Simplify3D, i’ll be very dissapointed!

Ok, that’s a surprise. Did you use fast or full honeycomb? I need to try to reproduce your settings. maybe I’ve got shitty ABS after all??? Another question, I did not bring it so far beacause I thought it is not important, but how thick is your exterior wall? 2 layers?

Fast Honeycomb, 2 Shells, 6 Top Layers, 6 Bottom Layers, First Layer Height 100%, First Layer Width 100%, First Layer Speed 50%, Extruder Multiplier .90, that is in the Extruder Setting first Tab, Hot End 230 Degrees, 105 for the Bed, NO COOLING FANS, Please take that huge fan away from your Printer when you do ABS :-).

Infill was at 50% for the pictures I showed you earlier.

Hope that helps you a bit :slight_smile:

Hello “Grupo”,

First, thanks a lot for the demo. I know Zortrax have an excellent reputation. Do you also consider that Z-ABS is much better than the average ABS filament you can find out-there?

In this particular case, You did 3 thinks that must help a lot: 100% infill means no room for shrinking, and .19mm layer is not HD (according to 3dhubs). Also, using a dense, wide raft is certainly a plus. But anyway the result is impressive.

I try not to use raft to get a nice bottom on parts, but that’s a no excuse in this case because a raft would have helped me a lot and tat part is technical, so I should have done it.

With all the upgrades made on my FF (lighter, single head, metal arms, high quality nozzle, borosilicate bed), I still think I can have a go at trying your settings, I’ll post the results when done, I promess.

About software, I bought it (simplify3D) and it is good.

I agree that Additive Manufacturing training would be a plus, but something, I believe, separates us: For me, 3D is a hobby in which I’m doing my best and learn experience through trial and error. Give me the best printer ever, and I’ll not have much left to learn. Not my approach. About the results and the satisfaction of my customers, In short, just look at my rating. I never give up, I always deliver, and top notch quality is my credo too. That is, I believe, what being professional also is.

About how my space is organized… Well. I run/build 6 printers, and I’m running out of space. But be reassured: I never use my printers to store stuff, so quality should not be impacted :slight_smile:

That being said, and because I realy do appreciate that you had a run on it, I won’t tell you that you are slightly provocative!


“Hey! Look! This guy is having a hard time and seeking help with a print job instead of simply delivering a crappy product to a customer… lets belittle him and tell him he needs to clean his room!” - GroupoXDS

Come on man, the guy is looking for help and improving. Why be provocative. Is it because he has (WOW!!!) 30 reviews and a 5 star rating while you have just 1 review and a 3 star rating? Obviously someone likes what he does.

Hey all, I combined advises from @ZUES, @waswart, @nagarajgaru, that made me do:

- 110° first layer,

- 95° next layers

- 50% fast honeycomb Infill (not that it was needed to be that high but @ZUES made me wanna try :-))

- .4mm, 2shells

- .1mm layer height (now, that is challenging…)

- Big raft and supports (that was inspired from @The_Build_Shop posted pictures, thanks!)

- 60mm/s

- No fan

- Printer enclosed on each side but the top, “wardrobe” closed !

So far, first 15mm are looking pretty good. Let’s see soon the results.

That’s for now. On a longer timescale, I’ll follow advices from @3Timmerman and @waswart about finishing my enclosure.

I will not follow advice from @The_Build_Shop to buy a Zortrax because i’ve almost finished a 57cm tall delta and a 50/50/50cm 3 colors reprap printers, I’m upgrading my Prusa i3 rework, and I still have that cute little smartrap to test, so I’m too busy right now, but maybe one day, if my own CNC projects fails apically…But I’ll probalby try the Z-ABS filament to see if he is any better. Also, I love the perforated bed of that zortrax, i’ll definitly remember to try that. I’ve a oneup coming (blocked at the customs for a month now…) with this volcanic plate hot bed, very curious about how it will stick there.

Little quiz: How many printers do you see on the attached pic :wink: 2015_0810_221441_001.JPG 5

LQ2: Do you see the extruder?

LQ3: do you see any mess?

LQ4: do you see any Nerf gun? :-))))

Thanks to all of you for your tremendous support, with a special price to @zarli :wink:

PS: To all of you. Anybody with a hot bed should try this: http://www.3dprima.com/en 2 . I just spray it on my glass for everything and it does a fantastic job. For a cold bed, better stick to the airspray or slury.

I would recommend Resin printing because it will be the highest resolution you can get.

I would see what it costs priced out and then if the cost doesn’t seem to much give it a shot.


Glad someone else thinks like me, I was thinking the same thing exactly, I guess Groupo wanted to cut himself off from any help that he may need in the future, not sure anyone would want to help someone with this attitude.