I often obtain pieces with two side with different color. For example if I print a statuette of a person, one side of the face is purple, the other one is yellow. I contacted the reseller but he told me that it is impossibile to get rid of this annoying problem due to the 3d printer mechanism. He only suggest to brush a lot the piece… Doing this operation, the color improves a little bit but it is never completely solved (and in some case it really difficult, almost impossibile to brush)
I’m asking you that are using this 3d printer from more time than me, is it really impossibile to avoid this problem? I tried to rotate the same piece to understand if is a problem of orientation but I can’t understand for now.
I don’t think there is a proper term for it, but I call it head drift. It’s a left to right side (of the printer problem). It likely has something to do with heat and humidity as it’s always more prevalent in the summer months. To remove it it must be mechanically removed prior to hardening or it will be there forever.
I would suggest you print your model with a witness part.
3DPrint™ User Manual
Witness Part In situations where the color and surface quality must be the best possible, 3DPrint gives you the ability to generate a “witness part”. A witness part is an additional thin shell of grey material that is created with a small offset from the actual part. It is situated along the surfaces of the part that the printhead first approaches as it is printing. Printing the witness part causes the printheads to fire just before they have to begin printing the part. This “primes” them so the colors on the part are crisp and true.
I’d agree with what the guys here have said. The first thing to try is to reduce align the print heads. If the magenta is printing slightly to the left and the yellow to the right that’s a problem we’ve seen that’s easily fixed with an alignment. After you’ve run it, look at the before and after circles and see if there better centered. Witnesses will help but I think if the results are as noticeable as you describe the alignment is the first step. We do run a dehumidifier here constantly too when the weather warms up
The main reason of this problem is a bad head alignment.
You have to clean the light sensor window.
The alignment is visible on the print.
There are 5 rings witch shows the before and after state of the alignment.