Hi! We are almost ready, and we’ll launch 3DRacers, the first product to be fabricated with distributed manufacturing, on February 2nd on Indiegogo.
For those who don’t know 3DRacers, it’s a 3D printed racing game, with small cars that you can drive with your phone, and that you can design online and 3D print.
And it would be produced by YOU, on 3DHubs.
We already talked about the way we’ll pick a selection of hubs, and now we have decided to start a beta program here on 3DHubs, to ensure that all the 3DRacers models will print smoothly before we start shipping on September.
For those who want to help us to reach the goal, and be the first to receive the 3DRacers kit and files, we have created a special package reserved to verified hubs.
Just back the project with one of the available perks from February 2nd and contact us to be added to the beta and receive also the HUBBER PERK.

Also, if you are in Italy, on February 1st we’ll do inaugural event in
and in streaming with:
And if you’re anywhere else in the world you can still follow the event live through Hangout: 3D Racers - The 3D printed game of the future - YouTube
We can’t wait to start, and you? 
Marco D’Alia and the team of 3DRacers
Hi 3D racers,
You can add my hub (Lugdunum’s hub) for your beta testing. I can’t wait … ^^
Best regards
Hi @3DRacers
it would be really great if you add me to the list also 
My hub: https://www.3dhubs.com/bremen/hubs/joerg
would be nice to be to be part of the beta (https://www.3dhubs.com/aachen/hubs/3dreidee).
My pledge is coming on monday 
Best regards
first print came out well 
1 Like
I would like to join.
I live in Flanders, Belgium
you can contact me if you want
I have pleadged now.
how I can be added to beta and receive the HUBBER PERK??
this is my little hub
Hi, i just bought your early bird kit on indiegogo campaign. Now, I would like to join your beta, thank you!
Hi, i just bought your early bird kit on indiegogo campaign. Now, I would like to join your beta, thank you!
Thanks Marcel!
We have wrote down your name for the beta, see you soon on 
I have pledged too, and want be added to the beta program, my hub: https://www.3dhubs.com/zaragoza/hubs/ilusiones-3d-lab
I have pledged too (Johannes Kächele), and maybe you can add my hub https://www.3dhubs.com/stuttgart/hubs/johannes (Ultimaker2)
I’ve added your to the beta list, and let me say that your tank is incredible!