I’ve added your to the beta list, and let me say that your tank is incredible!
I’ve added your to the beta list, and let me say that your tank is incredible!
Hello guys,
I would like to be added to the beta program.
Of course, I’ve pledged this great project and this is my hub: (Eddie Hofmann)
Thanks for supporting us!
Just seeing this…
I pledged for an Early Bird2 some time ago.
I printed the blue DeLorean you are re-tweeting on a regular basis and would be happy to test the print files…
Your DeLorean was great!
We’ll start sharing the first final STLs to the BETA users by the end of the month (just finishing some small bits).
To participate to the closed beta, and download the beta STLs, we need the email that you used to register on Indiegogo.
Also you should register on our forum: with the same email as username, so that we can enable you to access the private BETA posts.
Team 3DRacers
It is not possible to use the email from indiegog as username, only as email.
Because usernames gives the error " must only include numbers, letters and underscores"
Yes sorry!
Just register with the same email so that I can find you in the admin panel, but you can choose the username you like.
Ok done
Happy to see you there