We are a traditional printer reseller and recently signed up with 3D Systems for the Cube, CubePro and Projet 1200. Does anyone have experience with these? Comments pros and cons would be greatly appreciated.
We are too a printer reseller for 3D Systems consumer/prosumer products. We also provide 3D-printing as a service to customers and small business. So we use mostly the CubePro Duo and Trio for the job and it is a great printer which always does his work. This printers are very reliable and you have the possibility to print with different colors or materials at the same time and have a huge build volume. 3D Systems recently released Infinity Rinse-Away Support Material which is water soluble. I made a few prints with this support material and it is really great to work with and provides a great print quality.
The cartridges are indeed expensive but considering that you don´t have to waste time and printmaterial on trying this
Avoid 3D system products if you plan to do cost effective manufacturing. The proprietary means of 3D printing is expensive, yet less troublesome on non-FDM units. Cubes are awful FDM printers in my opinion but the X60 Projet has yet to give us issues.
We too are a “traditional” printer reseller. We provide support also, for us it was a natural progression to move to 3D printers. Overall we have had a very good experience with them. Call me directly at 732-914-0002.