It sounds like a good 3D scanning package but I have no experience of these so can’t help you further there. My advice would be to ask to see it running. Do a full demonstration so you understand the process in and out before you part with any cash. If you aren’t happy with anything then walk away.
You are going to be scanning and printing a lot of people before you make back that kind of investment.
thank you everybody, for everything, you made it clear to me and I end up to not get the risk to open the shop with all money that I have I saved, I will try to get it out of my mind, maybe I will do something more logical for example like an engineering office since I am electrical and electronic engineer originally , I won’t let my hobby effect my future.
@ashton_fora you don’t have to give up entirely, just think smaller for now, start somewhere nearer the bottom than trying to start near the top, and keep the bulk of your savings in reserve.
For example, you could get a good hand-held scanner capable of scanning quite large objects (though probably not suitable for full body) and an SLA printer like the Formlabs Form 2. You could then offer broken part replacement services for cars - scan the broken part and use your 3D modelling skills to “repair” the model, then print it in an appropriate material. You could try some cosplay work, scanning parts of customer bodies to make close-fitting flexible costume elements.
The techniques for fixing 3D scans will be pretty much the same big or small, so you could learn the tricks, and get a better understanding of where to go next, as well as making some money at the same time.
I’m from Germany and print privately with a ZCorp 510.
I mix in powder and binder myself.
I scan persons with the Ipad 4 and the Isense.
That makes cheap money.
I started with a FreeSculpt 3d printer and the Kinect to scan.
So start small and then get better and better.
Greeting Jens Behrens
hi @jenszzt
you really reading my mind I ordered a Kinect few days ago from amazon I wanna start to scan and see how is the concept of scanning at least, and when I done I will start to think of the printer My favorite is Projet660 Pro
Are you making the powder and binder your self ? How? I didn’t get it
There are many recipes on the net. You can experiment a lot.
But you could also do an internship in a 3D printing house. There you could get your first experiences.
Sorry if my engisch is bad - I write with the Google translator
Cannot advise you about the shop but I have a good 3D scanner for you. Recently, I came across Full Human Body 3D Scanner on ‘3D Printers Online Store’ and I found the price too to be absolutely reasonable. You can check the details of the same through this link. 7
I used to work for a company that did this exactly, 5 where I ran their factory consisting of several 660pro machines, if you have any questions PM me but I’ll just say here that I think you’re making the prudent decision; there is a lot more to this than meets they eye.