Hi @timmy_4 I can appreciate your reasoning, but I think the problem is that many of the best (and most popular) printers don’t sell from high street stores. You may be able to find a store that stocks some, but you’re very, very unlikely to be able to see all the best printers somewhere in a shop (or multiple shops).
As for looking at the printer itself, I’m not sure what value that might give. It’s very difficult to judge a machine by it’s build quality. While this is important in any product, with 3D printing it’s more the “sum of its parts” than anything you can physically see or touch; reviews from real-world users, particularly those who’ve been using the machines for a while, can be much more telling and informative than anything you’ll gather in a store.
Your best bet really is to give the folks here an idea of what you’ll be printing, what your current skill set is, your budget, etc. and we’ll offer some opinions and pointers.