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May 2016

Hello Robert.

It seems an extrusion problem. For small instants you have no extrusion, the filament doesn´t fill the all level and thats the beginning of the problem. after that all the subsequent levels became aleatory lines on the space.

Put your fingers softly around the filament to try to identify instantaneous “stop and go” and try to hear a “tic” “tic”.

The parameters you show, are almost standard ones, including the extrusion speed. But concerning extrusion speed is too high. You will never be able to do a good job like that.

Try this:

Fisrt floor; 15-20 if you are printing over blue tape.

Infill; 40 - 50

Insets; 30 - 35

Outlines; 20 - 25

Be sure you are using a calibrated filament (thickness 1.75 - 1.78)

Try to increase temperature (215 º)

Are you making dual extrusion? (if not turn off the heating of second extruder)

Good job,
