ive been experimenting with printed joints recently (a few pics on Google show what I’m talking about)
its a a really interesting topic and you should end up getting a good grade considering the subject matter your dealing with has deep implication on the economy and manufacturing…
reason why I think you should look into joints is its one of the only realistic ways to make unique without having to wait 3 weeks of printing time. In that case it would probably more of a step back if you tried printing a while sofa for example
hope that help!
and if you want to make some models cause your uni’s printers fully booked let me know : )
I like the idea of this project and think it has a lot going for it.I would love to help you out with some of the printing. I am also a student and know how frustrating it is to wait in the line for the printer, so instead I brought one (probably could have spent the money more effectively somewhere else but o well). I would gladly give you a discount at my hub because you are a student. P.s. I’m in the Birmingham area.