Hey everyone!
Check out our growing collection of Toy Soldiers. We currently have 60 print-perfect soldiers from 5 collections available to print in our catalog and we’ll be adding a new collection soon. Our collections consist of Samurai Warriors, Army Girlz, Army Guyz, Rebel Girlz & Knights Army.
If you’re looking for some cool 3D models to print or a DIY project, check out our BLOG for some awesome ideas. ee
That’s all folks!
Keep on printing 
Well… Unlike most other 3D Printing marketplaces, we are not in the business of violating Disney’s (or anyone else) IP.
We believe its not only immoral, but also not very creative to plagiarize/infringe/copy.
So unless we get an official license for them… No Storm Troopers here! 
In the meanwhile you can enjoy our exclusive & originally designed little armies.