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Jul 2016

It’s still not working with NC licensed parts. :frowning:

Hi Marc,

We don’t really. It’ essentially based on your own feedback.

So, if you receive an order on your printer, it’s not that we send the next to someone else.

Hope that explains!

If I’m not mistaken, NC parts need to be approved by the designer him/ herself in order for the print button to appear.

Have you looked into that?

2 months later
8 days later

The person who posted the model is the one who chooses the license. They are also the one who chooses to enable 3dhubs plugin, which is disabled by default on non-commercial models. Seems pretty clear. Noone else is forcing the modeller to enable printing.

The only part I don’t like is that the process doesn’t include a way to pay/tip the modeller as part of the process.