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Aug 2016

Hey Filemon,

So far so good. Things are going well. I’ve already had 2 orders in the last 24 hours and both are printable (lol). First one is ready to ship and the second one is happily printing away.

I have a quick question though.

How do you gauge the number of orders a hub can handle? I only have one “Thingiverse” printer, but I have three physical machines so there’s plenty of capacity.



Yes, very excited for this. cant wait to order this 3d printing

2 months later

Heya Filemon,

How is this coming along? Is there a place to get more information for the print hub’s side of the system? How’s the waiting list looking? I filled out the form a few days ago, but I’m curious about monetary percentages (who gets what), expected timings, communication with the buyer, etc.



Hi Shaun,

Here I go!

Is there a place to get more information for the print hub’s side of the system?

I’m not sure whether I understand what you mean by this, can you specify? Sorry for that!

Waiting list is still slow, as we’re still optimizing. At this point I cannot give you any specifics on expected dates. Stay tuned for that.

The order system is completely automated so there will be no customer / Hub interaction. A Thingiverse designer sets her / his own ‘designer tip’.

Lmk if that helps. Cheers,


Hey, thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

There’s a page selling the new printing service to the public. Is there a place where hub owners can go to see what is involved with printing for Thingiverse? It is al very new, so I’m sure the information will change over time, but some kind of living document would be interesting. Details about the order process, how the order cost is determined, what percentage the hub gets, how does the hub deal with problems or unprintable models, etc.

Sorry, this is written on my phone. Hopefully its readable.



Hey Victoria,

Thanks for your interest in Thingiverse. Filemon is right that at the moment we’re still in a pretty early stage and not adding more Hubs to the integration till the demand grows significantly. We’ve selected the current Hubs based on their track record and level of experience with the 3D Hubs platform.

The order process is streamlined, so that the customer doesn’t have to interact with the Hub, instead all details are gathered upfront and all prints are shipped to the customers. If files are unprintable we feed this back to Thingiverse and the customers gets refunded by Thingiverse. The cost is a standardized on a set CM3 material price and we take a slightly higher fee than on normal orders as there is less work involved for the Hub.

Let me know if there is anything else you want to know :slight_smile:


Is the price based on sliced volume with 20% infill, which I believe is the 3dhubs default, or by actual volume?

Does the person who posted on Thingiverse get a commission or tip from this process? After all, they posted the model.

Thank you for your time.


Hi Shaun, sorry for keep calling you Victoria :wink:

The price is based on the material required to print the object with standard settings 200 microns layer height and 20% infill.

Indeed the Thingiverse designer can get tipped in 2 ways, either they set a fixed price for their design, or a pay-what-you-like model, where its up to the customer to pay an amount to the designer.



Is 3dHubs going to be sending information out to Hubs that have signed up regarding the progress of this project? I don’t keep green filament, for example. If we’re 6 months or more from when my Hub might be added to the list then I don’t have to worry. If things are progressing more rapidly, then I may want to proactively order the filament.

Thank you for all the information.



Hey Shaun, at the moment there are no plans to add more Hubs in the next 2-3 months, so I would say no need to order ahead!

Will keep everyone on this thread posted of any updates and slots opening up.



8 days later

I know this is a couple of months old but I stumbled upon this and needed to make sure something things are clear. When you mark something as non-commercial you are stating that a person may not receive monetary compensation for use of the model (under any circumstances). I completely disagree with thingiverse’s decision to allow you to manually allow it - as it is a violation of the license. I have talked with a lawyer and we both agree - NC means that money cannot change hands. Period.

If someone comes to my hub with a model they got off of thingiverse marked with NC I must refuse to print it - even if it was ordered through thingiverse with the author manually enabling the button. Unless there is something in writing that states “I grant the right for commercial purposes with ordering through 3dhubs button blah blah” - I would be in violation of the license and you could take legal action against my company. That is the core problem with this.

Think about it - it seems you are ok with this process but how would I know (without having something in writing) that is what other 3D modelers are ok with? Maybe they only want small hubs to print out their models? Local hubs? etc The only thing I have to go off of is the license they marked for their model - which was they stated that people may not make money off of it.

The person who posted the model is the one who chooses the license. They are also the one who chooses to enable 3dhubs plugin, which is disabled by default on non-commercial models. Seems pretty clear. Noone else is forcing the modeller to enable printing.

The only part I don’t like is that the process doesn’t include a way to pay/tip the modeller as part of the process.