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21 / 21
Jan 2016

Wow! That place in Footscray looks pretty big from the photos! The idea of a monthly roster is quite ambitious, but sounds pretty cool. Hopefully it will happen.

It’d be great to see another Makerspace pop up somewhere in Melbourne, especially in some of the more outer regions :D. Good luck getting it set up.

14 days later

Hi guys! I have been so busy last few weeks, 3d printing day was great and now time to get ready for Christmas!
a lot of the hubs out there are winding down for the christmas break and having their own christmas parties so I am going to postpone our meet up to the 10th of Jan, have spoken to the guys at Footscray Maker Lab to allow us to host our first meeting there!

other makerspaces Im going to contact and organise meetups are listed below, if I have missed anyone or if you know anyone that would be open then please let me know here or email me chris@3dprintingguy.com or phone 0488833388
RMIT design hub CBD

Unimelb MAP

Connected Community HackerSpace, Hawthorn
Melb pc user group, might have a 3dprinting SIG, Various

Melbourne-Eastern-Suburbs-Hackers , Wantirna campus of Swinburne University

Hi i would also be intersted- new to melboure and to 3d hubs

also we are lucky to have some local filament makers I will talk to, doing a meetup there might be a good idea

finally i have access to a few machines we can play around with, sla and sls

happy holidays everyone! see you in the new years :slight_smile:

This sounds great! I don’t think I’ll be able to make it on the 10th, but once this becomes a regular thing…

A huge thanks to you Chris, for taking the initiative to organize all of this for the Melbourne community, I think that we’ll all benefit from it.

10 days later