@abhi_nandy Fell free to contact me, i’ve done a lot of PLA monochrome Bust and full-body miniatures.
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@abhi_nandy Here is my hub: https://www.3dhubs.com/karlsruhe/hubs/christian
Can print in ABS, PLA, and sandstone.
Cameron Naramore
We are experts in baby busts. We can print you fine quality monochrome busts. You can view our past reviews. Here y
Hi Abhi,
I we can help out with a ZCorp 650 in full color as well. PLA/ABS is done on several machines with a resolution of 25 micron. Depending on the need, we can dedicate printers specifically to your job.
We operate and therefore ship from Belgium.
We also deliver 3D scanning services if deemed necessary.
If you would be interested, feel free to contact us on info@sculped.be.
In the hub images 1 you can view a sample