Anybody out there having exprience with 123catch to make photos into 3D, i am curious about your experiences
@Etch_Graphics @Nix3d would you like to share your experience with 123D Catch with John?
December 15, 2014, 10:14am
Hey John,
I’ve created a LOT of scans using 123dcatch but as of a few months ago, it started having more and more issues which caused my scans to ‘fail’ (that was all it told me). I’m now using Autodesk Recap360 which is also free and yields better results (in my opinion).
Here’s an example of a Recap360 scan I created last week - just a quick session using my iPhone and bad lighting:
In general, I keep being impressed by the kind of results that this technology generates.
Getting the best results with these kind of tools requires preparing your subject and lighting. There’s a good disucussion going on at the Sketchfab forum about 3D scanning which may be of help:
I’d like to write a blogpost on how to create great looking 3D scans, and I’d like to collect your tips & tricks. Which software do you use? How do you prepare your subject for scanning, and how do you proceed from there? Any post-processing...
Reading time: 6 mins 🕑
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Let me know if you have any specific questions, I’d be happy to help!
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December 15, 2014, 9:55pm
Hi John,
i have found it easier in my experience to capture people rather than objects. I am using the Android app and it does not like smaller objects, well for me anyway. If i need to scan smaller objects i use the kinect and reconstructMe software. Let me know if i can assist further.
Thanks for your advices, i will look in to the software option. There is still a way to go for a affordable good scanner
I hear a lot pro’s and cons about the Isense also. I take it there should be a minimum quality of the camera?
Hi Bart,Autodesk looks great, but you are using a free trial version or student version, i take it?
December 18, 2014, 11:35am
Recap360 uses the same ‘limited free’ model that 123DCatch does. It’s web-based:
December 18, 2014, 11:36am
I get decent results with my iPhone5, but recently got myself a cheap 20 megapixels Samsung camera and the results are definitely better - mainly because the textures are better, I don’t think the geometry has improved much.
Still you need a good/fast internet to use the tool.
I got the 123D catch program to work great on the sample project (the buddha) but it always fails with my own project with “An unknown error occurred during the upload process! Please check your connection and try again later.”
There’s no problem with the connection. Now I get why people have bad things to say about 123D Catch…