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Aug '14 - Good Tip is print slower at this section. 20mm/s I use and temperature as low as possible. I use 200 degrees. And use good filament, I've a china no na...
Mar '15 - xbot 155 habe ich selber. Sagen wir mal so es ist ok, mit Verbesserungsbedarf. Ich arbeite gerade an einigen Verbesserungen, besonders das Hotend hat e...
Oct '14 - I got only some misprints. Most of my misprints are not so good qualitity and have some optical damages. Why don't sell those minimal damaged cases? Or...
Sep '14 - how about printed iphone 6 cases like the fairphone cases?
Aug '14 - sure thats no bug in cura? I also had this problem in the layer view with cura, but the printer has done correct printing.
Aug '14 - When we ship a fairphone we have to do some work and need equipment. - box - printing the lable - packaging material and do the work for making the box...
Aug '14 - I've a good idea for those fair phone cases. I've printed a test case in lay wood. Feels very cosy and smells like wood. I think the fair phone communi...