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Oct '15 - hey buddy, try a different slicer like Cura. Also helps to try some hairspray on your printer bed for extra adhesion.
Feb '16 - Have you checked your delta geometry ? here is a quick list of things to double check: - Are effector rod sets completely parallel ? (your carriage and...
Jan '16 - Hi Paul, I'd try going 110 on the headed bed temp. Also some hairspray or abs juce would get things properly stuck to the plate. Re, Mihai.
Jan '16 - Hey Erik, 260-270 is a bit too hot for ABS in my opinion. Try printing at around 230-240 deg. Looking at your layer finish you might be under/over extr...
Oct '15 - Hey buddy. Only way i could get round warping was to warm up and completely enclose printer. Using Simplify as well with a 1st layer height of 57% to e...