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5 results for@stopaginn #3d-printers
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Dec '17
Dina, when this has occurred for me, it's a temperature issue. increase the hot end temperature. Tell the print software to extrude. Monitor the flow....
Jan '16
I have a Taz 5 without the enclosure. The biggest issue is temperature stability. However, I do a test print before I print real high quality items and...
May '16
I'm interested, I have one and would like to have another. Where are you located and do you have the original box and padding for shipping?
Apr '16
Hey there, If your model can support it, I put a .5mm or bigger parameter chamfer around the edges that contact the build plate. This lets the melted p...
Apr '16
I've never experienced an expansion issue with HIPS. Typically, HIPS contracts as it cools causing warping. Unfortunately, there is no exact percentage...