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15 results for@karlzhao314 #cad
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May '16
Depends entirely on the nature of the piece you're trying to make. Some organic shapes can be easily created within a modeling program such as Blender...
Apr '16
I can't really view the model right now, but assuming it fits the prerequisites for laser cutting (must be made from either a single flat sheet or stac...
Mar '16
Hi, hubs (and everyone else), I'm trying to find an STL viewer with quick access to a folder full of models. As of now I'm using Repetier Host to view...
Feb '16
It's great that you're progressing to more advanced software! Two options immediately come to mind. OpenSCAD is an open-sourced "programming"-based CAD...
Feb '16
Hi Kevyn, sounds like a cool project! PLA will not. It has a glass transition temperature of between 60C and 70C, which works out to be 140-158F. I've...
Feb '16
To be completely honest I'm not sure why I would ever use this. If I need to hollow a model I would either just shell my Fusion or Inventor model, or j...
Jan '16
Very cool! If only I had a printer that large…
Feb '16
Seconded. Blender is one of the top modeling applications for organic shapes such as the pieces you would want to create. It may be a bit more complex...
Oct '15
Nylon, maybe? Most 3D printed plastics are pretty close to each other in weight. The only reason I'd go with something like nylon over ABS or HIPS is t...
Nov '15
Hi Paul, I can't find too much information on what temperature dripping wax actually is, but if they're close to their melting points (about 65C for be...
Oct '15
Hi Robert! I'm not sure this is a forum for modeling help. In any case, I think you'd probably need to give us more information about what you're tryin...
Oct '15
They look great! Once again I'm impressed with the UM2's performance even with feature sizes that small. Excellent choice of a printer

Oct '15
This looks awesome! Definitely going to print this at some point. It would help so much with my problem of no backdrop to frame my hub shots against. :...
Oct '15
(About time I joined the Talk group :P) I'm not sure if there are any $100 FFF printers available, though there are some designs and even products that...
May '16
In general, STL files are generally not meant to be edited any further and it's difficult to treat them as anything but a mesh. Try importing the STEP...