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7 results for@jenszzt #3d-printing
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Aug '19
hello, have you ever cleaned or rinsed the pipes? Sorry for my english, google translator.
Jul '19
Hi, was the problem with the green solved? I have the same problem now. I always have white pimples on the models. These are always very expensive to r...
Jan '19
Hallo, ich hatte das auch mal das ich F1 drücken musste. Ein Elektroniker hatte dann festgestellt das sich was im Bios verstellt hatte. Das starten des...
May '19
HI, could the problem be solved? I also have this problem Greeting Jenszzt
Nov '18
Hello, I'm from Germany and print privately with a ZCorp 510. I mix in powder and binder myself. I scan persons with the Ipad 4 and the Isense. That ma...
Oct '18
Hello, I wanted to ask if there is already Claren Binder for the Z510 recipes. I would be very happy to receive a message.
Jul '18
Hallo, mein 510er macht Zicken. Er druckte normal die ersten 15 Layer. Dann fuhren die Druckköpfe durch das Pulver - als ob die Layer- dicke sich geänd...