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Dec '15 - @DIM3NSIONS indeed what @gabriela3d already wrote. Some really awesome things coming up. Cases not though, because the Fairphone 2 comes with an extern...
Mar '15 - Hi Travis, Best is to contact the hub you want to print your case and ask there. You can do this by checking their profile and get in touch. What we us...
Mar '15 - Hi Didier, This is not something I recognise. Do you maybe have a picture of the artefact on the printed case it self so I can compare it with my own c...
Mar '15 - As Fairphone I would also like to comment to this. First of all very sorry to hear this @reikekind . Of course it is a shame that your case broke when...
Feb '15 - Hi, first post here… Really nice print @gabriela3d At our office we have printed the Snowflakes quite often already and with good results. I am not in...