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Sep '17 - Scale the part down. Convert it from mm to inches or vice versa.
Jul '16 - It could be the heating block. If your heating block is not insulated well the heat will travel up. If the heat travels up that means the plastic in th...
Jul '17 - I'm guessing you are using Makerbot desktop? I believe you can tune most things with that slicer. Simplify 3d makes it a bit easier though to tune the...
Jan '17 - I would take of the nozzle. Make sure that the thermal barrier tube is clear. Make sure the nozzle if clear. If either of these two look to have anythi...
Jan '17 - In simplify 3d you can add your own g-code to the end of prints. In the profile you are using open the edit screen. I think its in advanced > g-code >...