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Nov '17 - Hi Floris! You have come to the right place! That is something many hubs could help you with…including mine ( https://www.3dhubs.com/service/3drapidpri...
Jul '17 - Hello! Make sure you have listed yourself as a hub on this platform! Talk is never a good place to get orders. I wish your business success!
Dec '16 - Awesome! I used to use the stickers (the ones that 3D Hubs sends you when you sign up) to mark the packages but then I ran out and now shipping is too...
Oct '16 - Wow, this looks really cool! I will deffentally keep my eye on this project. Way to go for exspanding the CAD market to younger and less exspirenced pe...
Oct '16 - Hello! As a rough quote, I could cad this for $5, and print for less than $0.50 each! Feel free to contact me via my hub. https://www.3dhubs.com/tampa/...
Mar '16 - Hi Nagesh! I will call you shortly, to see if I can help slight_smile
Mar '16 - Absolutely! Send me the file I can do it really quick for you if you want. mailto:saj4412@me.com saj4412@me.com