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4 results for@mikeyzer0 #show-and-tell
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Jul '16
Hi, Not sure if this is going to be of much help but I looked into 3D printing a custom scratchplate for a friend of mine. The thing about scratchplate...
Jul '15
1. Yes, but I also create my own in various packages 2. No, but I haven't needed to. I'm happy to pay for models that meet a need for me. 3. No, I have...
Jun '15
I think we'll need some more info from you on this Mike. What sort of picture? Is it scannable? What depth components to it are there? I take it all th...
Apr '15
Really nice! As you were printing in ABS, you could have acetone-welded the pieces together instead of gluing, and used a slurry (ABS dissolved in acet...