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Feb '16 - It's great that you're progressing to more advanced software! Two options immediately come to mind. OpenSCAD is an open-sourced "programming"-based CAD...
Feb '16 - Hi Kevyn, sounds like a cool project! PLA will not. It has a glass transition temperature of between 60C and 70C, which works out to be 140-158F. I've...
Feb '16 - To be completely honest I'm not sure why I would ever use this. If I need to hollow a model I would either just shell my Fusion or Inventor model, or j...
Jan '16 - Very cool! If only I had a printer that large…
Oct '15 - Nylon, maybe? Most 3D printed plastics are pretty close to each other in weight. The only reason I'd go with something like nylon over ABS or HIPS is t...
Nov '15 - Hi Paul, I can't find too much information on what temperature dripping wax actually is, but if they're close to their melting points (about 65C for be...
Oct '15 - Hi Robert! I'm not sure this is a forum for modeling help. In any case, I think you'd probably need to give us more information about what you're tryin...
Oct '15 - They look great! Once again I'm impressed with the UM2's performance even with feature sizes that small. Excellent choice of a printer slight_smile G...
Oct '15 - This looks awesome! Definitely going to print this at some point. It would help so much with my problem of no backdrop to frame my hub shots against. :...
Oct '15 - (About time I joined the Talk group :P) I'm not sure if there are any $100 FFF printers available, though there are some designs and even products that...